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Looks and sounds great, like others here I just ended up walking to the end, maybe have a "first enemy for free" type of thing, where you MUST cast a spell in the first place
Or maybe make it pitch black to force a light spell


I wasn't able to shoot or casting any spells at the beginning even with the messages trying to help me. I just walked to the end of the map and that was it, pretty uneventful. I tried a second time and I was able to do the first spell but I think I found it by mistake, I think it will be nice that the node in the patterns can glow one at a  time or something to know where to start. I wasn't sure what to do even by reading the prompts in respect of using the spells

After I was chased by the enemies I was running and disorienting a lot, I got the hang of memorizing the spell patterns but still I wasn't sure if the enemies were closed to me so I didn't know I was hitting them or not. I was just running around changing direction unintentionally by hitting the spell pattern and getting disoriented. if the map was a little bit more complexed I sure will have had some trouble.

This is gold! The usability of the spell mechanics indeed needs a lot of work. Thanks a lot!

Game looks great! 

I didn't really encounter any enemies or anything, just ended up walking to the end... did I miss something? 

Spell system and graphics look great though :)

Hey! Thanks, yeah, when you cast the first spell, the enemies will come. Thanks for playing!

Ahhhh. I cast a spell but then just ran to the end. Waited this time and killed enemies as they came. 

I like the spell mechanic a lot, but I think it would be better if it didn't move the camera around while you're doing the pattern, as it gets a bit disorienting.

Maybe if you had to hold down click or something while you're drawing the pattern which would also hold the screen still... I dunno!